Website Accessibility
Accessibility Statement
We are currently working to bring our website into compliance. We expect Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School’s web content will meet WCAG 2.0, conformance by February 2019.
At Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School, we seek to understand and respect the unique needs of our students and community. We are committed to ensuring the accessibility of our web content to people with disabilities. All content on our website will conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
This policy applies to all new, updated, and existing web content on Accessibility checks and training will be incorporated into the publishing workflow for all new website content. In addition, we will ensure third-party content providers are aware of our web accessibility policy and will favor providers based on their accessibility conformance claims.
Each page of the website will include a link to a form providing a method for users to submit feedback on the site; this information will be compiled and considered during the review process. Any accessibility issues should be reported to Ken Merrill by email at, by calling Ken at 774-408-7994 x201. We are interested in any issues we have and how we can adjust them so we are compliant.
All areas of the Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School website will be reviewed annually. Reviews are the responsibility of Technology Director Ken Merrill
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure current compliance and will be reviewed by the Technology Director Ken Merrill.
Discrimination against persons with disabilities is prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Title II prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public entities, whether or not they receive federal financial assistance). This includes discrimination against individuals currently without an impairment that substantially limits of a major life activity, but who have a record of or are regarded as having a disability.
Reporting a Violation
If you feel you should have to report a violation to the Office of Civil Rights, you can contact them using one of the means below.
Online: You may file a complaint with OCR using OCR’s electronic complaint form at the following website:
Mail or Facsimile: You may mail or send by facsimile information to the address or phone number available at
Email: You may email OCR’s Discrimination Complaint Form or your own signed letter to