Title One
Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School has developed a procedure for identifying students who may require additional academic supports in order to meet the state’s challenging academic achievement standards. Title 1 is the name of the federal education program which aims to provide extra help and instruction for students. CCLCS is considered a targeted assistance school in which students are identified through formal and informal assessments as needing additional supports to achieve grade level standards. Students identified receive targeted intervention in reading, writing, and/or mathematics at school.
Title 1 teachers go into the classrooms and provide instruction and assistance to small groups of students. Students may also be pulled out of the classroom during Intervention/tutorial blocks for further instruction targeted to specific math and reading/written language skills. At all times, Title 1 teachers and regular classroom teachers work together for the benefit of their students.
We believe that parents and guardians play a crucial role in their child's education. As a Title I targeted assistance school, we are committed to providing opportunities for you to be actively involved in your child's learning. Families may provide input on the Title 1 / Intervention program through several avenues including parent/teacher conferences with the Intervention teacher, as well as classroom teachers and through family events such as open houses and evening events. Families may also submit any feedback and input in writing at any time, and are welcome to schedule a meeting with the Director Of Student Services for further information. In addition, parent surveys are conducted in the spring of each year. These surveys/needs assessments and program evaluation forms are used to evaluate the Title 1 program and inform future interventions and use of resources in Title 1.