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Athletics Registration & Calendar
CCLCS Athletics
CCLCS students participate in interscholastic competition in soccer, field hockey, cross country, basketball, baseball and softball. The Interscholastic Athletic Program seeks to parallel the school’s mission by providing the CCLCS student community with an extracurricular environment supportive of the academic programs.
The CCLCS athletic program fosters self-discipline, respect for self and others, and ethical competitiveness in order to promote personal responsibility, moral courage, altruism, as well as an appreciation for team and school spirit. The program operates under the guidance of adult school community members. The school maintains a policy of inclusion for all teams.
Coaches make the final determination (based on safety, health, transportation, facility issues, skill level, attendance and attitude) regarding how many players will actually "suit up" for each game.
Sports Offered
All students may elect to join one of the CCLCS athletic teams and participate in interscholastic competition, however, if there are too many students signed up, seventh and eighth graders get first chance.
FALL SPORTS - Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Field Hockey, Cross Country
WINTER SPORTS - Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Indoor Track
SPRING SPORTS - Tennis, Girls Softball, Boys Baseball, Golf, Track, E-sports
Sports Registration:
Sports Calendar:
Sports Requirements
A current physical is necessary before a student can practice with the team.
A completed sports form (available from our Athletic Director).
A completed concussion policy form
CONCUSSION TRAINING MUST BE DONE BY EVERYONE REGARDLESS OF WHEN YOU DID IT LAST YEAR. It must be done at home via the internet. Each student athlete and a parent must watch the CDC concussion training video, and then print and sign the certificate and return it to school. Again, this must be done each school year. CONCUSSION TRAINING IS A STATE LAW AND MUST BE DONE (by both parent and child) BEFORE A PLAYER CAN PRACTICE.


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