COVID-19 Distance Learning Resources
Services and Academic Supports
Counseling Services - Our school Gosnold counselor, Katrina Nichols, is still available to provide services to students. She will be conducting weekly calls and/or FaceTime meetings. During this unprecedented time in which we find ourselves, please know that counseling can be provided to students who may want to talk. Please contact Mrs. Marvullo if you would like to start the referral process.
Academic Supports - CCLCS is committed to providing an excellent educational experience for all students. Our Special Education Department works closely with families who need support.
6th - Jen Hyora,
7th - Autumn Bates,
8th - Christin Sims,
All teachers and staff emails are make up with a first initial, last name Example:
Food and Meals Resources
Food and Meals Resources during COVID-19
For Pets -
Other resources are listed on our Family Resources page.
Laptops and Internet - If you are having trouble acquiring a laptop and/or Internet, or your student is having difficulty working online please email Mindy Lamothe at
Before you send a email try these tips and understand technology is fickle.
Can't get in your Google account? Make sure your student is using the correct email. Student emails are made of first initial, last name, last two numbers of the class year and Example: Also, make sure he or her is using the correct password. Parents!! Your student's Google account email and password in your Jupiter account!!
Laptop not loading? A blocked website? etc. - It’s a good idea to have your student logout of their account and close out the
browser. That way the account and the browser have time to sync. If a teacher unblocks a YouTube video. If the account and browser doesn’t sync, the students may see a “Blocked Website” screen instead of the video. We try to unblock websites before we give them to the students.
Can't get into Jupiter? If your student doesn't know his password Mrs. Lamothe can reset it. Jupiter doesn't gives schools the passwords.
Free hotspots are available to all at this time. To access the service, look for the “xfinitywifi” network name in the list when connecting your device. Find a hotspot near you:
Xfinity Internet Essentials
You may qualify if you are eligible for public assistance programs such as the National School Lunch Program, Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, and others.
Using Remote Learning Platforms
Social Norms for Google Meet, Zoom and other remote learning platforms
Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School
All CCLCS students and staff agree to keep to the following norms while participating in remote learning experiences.
For Students
By participating in remote learning today, you agree that you may not save, record, share or post this session or any photos from this session. The rules in school apply to this remote classroom experience... If you or your parents/guardians do not agree to these rules, please disconnect from this session and contact your teacher to receive an alternate learning packet or summary of the meeting.
Keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking.
Each student is in charge of their own microphone.
Use the comments area for messages that are on-topic for the discussion.
Prioritize your time during the class and avoid multitasking.
Take turns and do not interrupt others when speaking.
If you turn off your video during calls for privacy for your household, be sure that your profile picture is school appropriate.
You may use headphones if you have them, but they are not required.
For Teachers
Before starting with the first official class meeting, take time to make sure each student understands how to mute, unmute, use comments, and share screens.
Consider this platform as an opportunity for connection and conversation.
During each session, try to allow each attendee an opportunity to speak.
Don’t always use this platform for lecture or one-sided communication.
Facilitate student-student interaction as much as possible.
Keep calls under one hour and allow students to come and go as needed.
Captions can be turned on if needed.
Consider establishing hand signals for whole group responses.
Links to meetings should be shared with participants through secure channels like email or Google Classroom to avoid unexpected interruptions. Don’t post links on public websites.
Disable pop-ups on your computer if you plan to use present mode.
Google Meets Support Page
Zoom’s Support Page
Joining a Zoom Meeting