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8th Grade Dinner Dance

8th Grade Dinner Dance

Thursday, May 30th. 6:30-9pm

Families are invited for photos 6:30-7pm. CCLCS chaperones ONLY 7-9pm. 

$30/student. Scholarships available.

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Dinner Dance

8th Grade Spring Trip

The 8th Grade Spring Trip will take place from Monday, June 3rd to Friday, June 7th. The cost is $540 if paid by cash or check and $560 if paid via Pay Pal (due to processing fees). Please register by Friday, May 10th

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Pay For 8th Grade Trip

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8th Grade Trip Custom Amount

8th Grade Yearbook Ads

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How to Send in a Yearbook Ad:


1. Creating yearbook pages is a process of uploading digital pictures, choosing a background and placing text. Each element is put together within the yearbook software. Unfortunately, we cannot allow guardians to create their own ad. The software is particular and ads that do not exactly meet the requirements for the software cannot be included.


2. Email YEARBOOK EMAIL ( with information about your ad. 

  1. Please put your student’s name in the subject line of the email!! 

  2. Include in the body of the email the text you’d like to go into the ad.

  3. Attach to the email any photos you’d like to use. Your pictures need to be digital (.jpg) so that we can upload them. 

  4. Tell us what color you would like for the background. 

  5. Payment can be completed by sending a check to the office OR by paying via Paypal on the school website. Any incomplete orders will not be processed. Late payment or submission may jeopardize your ad.

Pay for Yearbook & Ad

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8th Grade White Mountains Trip

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